Results for 'Imme Petersen Regine Kollek'

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  1.  24
    The Symbolic Relevance of Feedback: Return and Disclosure of Genomic Research Results of Breast Cancer Patients in Belgium, Germany and the UK.Imme Petersen Regine Kollek - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (4).
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    Disclosure of individual research results in clinico-genomic trials: challenges, classification and criteria for decision-making.Regine Kollek & Imme Petersen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):271-275.
    While an ethical obligation to report findings of clinical research to trial participants is increasingly recognised, the academic debate is often vague about what kinds of data should be fed back and how such a process should be organised. In this article, we present a classification of different actors, processes and data involved in the feedback of research results pertaining to an individual. In a second step, we reflect on circumstances requiring further ethical consideration. In regard to a concrete research (...)
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    Vom Schwangerschaftsabbruch zur Embryonenselektion? : Expansionstendenzen reproduktionsmedizinischer und gentechnischer Leistungsangebote.Kollek Regine - 1999 - Ethik in der Medizin 11 (Suppl 1):121-124.
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    Wissenschaft als Kontext - Kontexte der Wissenschaft.Wolfgang Bonss, Rainer Hohlfeld & Regine Kollek (eds.) - 1993 - Hamburg: Junius.
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    Konfiguration des Menschen: Biowissenschaften als Arena der Geschlechterpolitik.Ellen Kuhlmann & Regine Kollek (eds.) - 2002 - Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
  6.  20
    Irreführende Leitbilder: Zum Mythos der Individualisierung durch pharmakogenetische Behandlungskonzepte. Eine kritische Anmerkung.Günter Feuerstein, Regine Kollek, Mechtild Schmedders & Jan van Aken - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):77-86.
    ZusammenfassungDie prospektive Analyse der ethischen Implikationen medizinisch-technischer Innovationen läuft immer auch Gefahr, sich in den Wunschbildern von Marketingexperten zu verfangen. Vor diesem Hintergrund könnte es durchaus nützlich sein, die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung zur Genese und Entwicklung neuer Techniken auszuschöpfen. Dies erscheint gerade auch für die ins Phantastische weisende Zukunft der Individualisierung medikamentöser Therapie, wie man ihr häufig in der Beschreibung pharmakogenetischer Behandlungskonzepte begegnet, angebracht. Techniken, die sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium befinden und deren breite Anwendung noch einige Jahre auf (...)
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    Irreführende Leitbilder: Zum Mythos der Individualisierung durch pharmakogenetische Behandlungskonzepte. Eine kritische Anmerkung.Günter Feuerstein, Regine Kollek, Mechtild Schmedders & Jan Aken - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):77-86.
    ZusammenfassungDie prospektive Analyse der ethischen Implikationen medizinisch-technischer Innovationen läuft immer auch Gefahr, sich in den Wunschbildern von Marketingexperten zu verfangen. Vor diesem Hintergrund könnte es durchaus nützlich sein, die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung zur Genese und Entwicklung neuer Techniken auszuschöpfen. Dies erscheint gerade auch für die ins Phantastische weisende Zukunft der Individualisierung medikamentöser Therapie, wie man ihr häufig in der Beschreibung pharmakogenetischer Behandlungskonzepte begegnet, angebracht. Techniken, die sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium befinden und deren breite Anwendung noch einige Jahre auf (...)
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    Irreführende Leitbilder.Pd Dr Günter Feuerstein, Regine Kollek, Mechtild Schmedders & Jan van Aken - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):77-86.
    Die prospektive Analyse der ethischen Implikationen medizinisch-technischer Innovationen läuft immer auch Gefahr, sich in den Wunschbildern von Marketingexperten zu verfangen. Vor diesem Hintergrund könnte es durchaus nützlich sein, die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung zur Genese und Entwicklung neuer Techniken auszuschöpfen. Dies erscheint gerade auch für die ins Phantastische weisende Zukunft der Individualisierung medikamentöser Therapie, wie man ihr häufig in der Beschreibung pharmakogenetischer Behandlungskonzepte begegnet, angebracht. Techniken, die sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium befinden und deren breite Anwendung noch einige Jahre auf (...)
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    Mass-Mediated Expertise as Informal Policy Advice.Hans Peter Peters, Harald Heinrichs & Imme Petersen - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (6):865-887.
    Scientific policy advice is usually perceived as a formalized advisory process within political institutions. Politics has benefited from this arrangement because the science-based rationalization of policy has contributed to its legitimacy. However, in Western democratic societies, scientific expertise that is routinely mobilized to legitimate political positions has increasingly lost its power due to controversial expertise in the public sphere in particular within the mass media. As a consequence of the medialization of science, political decision makers are increasingly confronted with mass-mediated (...)
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    Dutch and English toddlers' use of linguistic cues in predicting upcoming turn transitions.Imme Lammertink, Marisa Casillas, Titia Benders, Brechtje Post & Paula Fikkert - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  11. No Norm needed: On the aim of belief.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (225):499–516.
    Does transparency in doxastic deliberation entail a constitutive norm of correctness governing belief, as Shah and Velleman argue? No, because this presupposes an implausibly strong relation between normative judgements and motivation from such judgements, ignores our interest in truth, and cannot explain why we pay different attention to how much justification we have for our beliefs in different contexts. An alternative account of transparency is available: transparency can be explained by the aim one necessarily adopts in deliberating about whether to (...)
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  12. An instrumentalist explanation of pragmatic encroachment.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (3):374-392.
    Many have found it plausible that practical circumstances can affect whether someone is in a position to know or rationally believe a proposition. For example, whether it is rational for a person to believe that the bank will be open tomorrow can depend not only on the person's evidence but also on how practically important it is for the person not to be wrong about the bank being open tomorrow. This supposed phenomenon is known as “pragmatic encroachment” on knowledge and (...)
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    Doping in Sport: A Defence.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2020 - London and New York; UK and USA: Routledge.
    It has become a mantra, that doping is immorally and therefore should be punished with exclusion, fines and stigmatization. In most parts of the world, the doping debate is characterised by an extreme tunnel vision since all athletes, politicians and sports managers who have public airtime express that doping is bad or the invention of the devil. -/- The purpose of 'Doping in Sport: A Defence' is to identify, clarify and challenge some of the central arguments that are used in (...)
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    Meaning Change in Grammaticalization: An Enquiry Into Semantic Analysis.Regine Eckardt - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores the semantic and pragmatic mechanisms underlying grammaticalization. Regine Eckardt argues that language change frequently involves a structural reorganization at the phonological, morphological, and syntactic levels. Speakers not only master the structural aspect of such reanalyses, they also-as the author argues-keep a detailed mental record of what has happened to meaning. The author develops semantic reanalysis as the semantic correlate and tracks its effects in meaning change. Several case studies offer new insights in the architecture of conceptual (...)
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  15. An Instrumentalist Account of How to Weigh Epistemic and Practical Reasons for Belief.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Mattias Skipper - 2019 - Mind 129 (516):1071-1094.
    When one has both epistemic and practical reasons for or against some belief, how do these reasons combine into an all-things-considered reason for or against that belief? The question might seem to presuppose the existence of practical reasons for belief. But we can rid the question of this presupposition. Once we do, a highly general ‘Combinatorial Problem’ emerges. The problem has been thought to be intractable due to certain differences in the combinatorial properties of epistemic and practical reasons. Here we (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Hsingchi A. Wang.Anne M. Cox-Petersen - 2002 - Science & Education 11:69-81.
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    Words in time: diachronic semantics from different points of view.Regine Eckardt, Klaus von Heusinger & Christoph Schwarze (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
    The collection focuses on meaning change as a topic of interdisciplinary research.
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    Asymptotics of families of solutions of nonlinear difference equations.Imme P. Berg - 2008 - Logic and Analysis 1 (2):153-185.
    One method to determine the asymptotics of particular solutions of a difference equation is by solving an associated asymptotic functional equation. Here we study the behaviour of the solutions in an asymptotic neighbourhood of such individual solutions. We identify several types of attraction and repulsion, which range from almost orthogonality to almost parallelness. Necessary and sufficient conditions for these types of behaviour are given.
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  19. Technische Entwicklung, gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt und soziale Gerechtigkeit–am Beispiel der Humangenomforschung.R. Kollek - 1999 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 7:291-319.
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    Zur Herder-Forschung in der DDR–Resultate, Tendenzen, Aufgaben–.Regine Otto - 1990 - In Kurt Mueller-Vollmer (ed.), Herder Today: Contributions From the International Herder Conference, November 5–8, 1987, Stanford, California. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 431-446.
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    Sage comme une image: figures de la philosophie dans les arts.Régine Pietra - 1992 - Paris: Félin.
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  22. Spiritus Creator.Regin Prenter - 1953
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  23. Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2004 - SATS 5.
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    Die Entstehung einer Figurine?: Material Engagement und verkörperte Kognition als Ausgangspunkt einer Entwicklungsgeschichte symbolischen Verhaltens.Regine Elisabeth Stolarczyk, Sebastian Scheiffele, Duilio Garofoli & Miriam Noël Haidle - 2017 - In Christian Tewes, Thomas Fuchs & Gregor Etzelmüller (eds.), Verkörperung - Eine Neue Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. De Gruyter. pp. 251-280.
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  25. Composition as pattern.Steve Petersen - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (5):1119-1139.
    I argue for patternism, a new answer to the question of when some objects compose a whole. None of the standard principles of composition comfortably capture our natural judgments, such as that my cat exists and my table exists, but there is nothing wholly composed of them. Patternism holds, very roughly, that some things compose a whole whenever together they form a “real pattern”. Plausibly we are inclined to acknowledge the existence of my cat and my table but not of (...)
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  26. Against the Contrastive Account of Singular Causation.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (1):115-143.
    For at least three decades, philosophers have argued that general causation and causal explanation are contrastive in nature. When we seek a causal explanation of some particular event, we are usually interested in knowing why that event happened rather than some other specified event. And general causal claims, which state that certain event types cause certain other event types, seem to make sense only if appropriate contrasts to the types of events acting as cause and effect are specified. In recent (...)
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  27. (1 other version)An instrumentalist unification of zetetic and epistemic reasons.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Inquiry is an aim-directed activity, and as such governed by instrumental normativity. If you have reason to figure out a question, you have reason to take means to figuring it out. Beliefs are governed by epistemic normativity. On a certain pervasive understanding, this means that you are permitted – maybe required – to believe what you have sufficient evidence for. The norms of inquiry and epistemic norms both govern us as agents in pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and, on the (...)
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  28. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and recalcitrant emotion: relocating the seat of irrationality.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Somogy Varga - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (3):658-683.
    It is widely agreed that obsessive-compulsive disorder involves irrationality. But where in the complex of states and processes that constitutes OCD should this irrationality be located? A pervasive assumption in both the psychiatric and philosophical literature is that the seat of irrationality is located in the obsessive thoughts characteristic of OCD. Building on a puzzle about insight into OCD (Taylor 2022), we challenge this pervasive assumption, and argue instead that the irrationality of OCD is located in the emotions that are (...)
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  29.  21
    Pragmatistische Sozialforschung: Für Eine Praktische Wissenschaft Gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts.Felix Petersen, Martin Seeliger & Hauke Brunkhorst (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Als praktische Philosophie ist der Pragmatismus an Prinzipien und Mechanismen von Gesellschaft interessiert. Es geht im Kern darum, diese Prinzipien und Mechanismen zu verstehen, Handlungsformen und Institutionen mit Blick auf gesellschaftliche Probleme und deren Behebung zu entwickeln und auf diesem Wege Gesellschaft menschlicher, gerechter und demokratischer zu gestalten. Aus diesem Grund scheint der Pragmatismus für die kritische zeitgenössische Sozialwissenschaft von größter Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Band versammelt eine Reihe von Beiträgen, die das Themenfeld pragmatistischer Sozialforschung näher bestimmen. Diese lassen sich in (...)
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  30. Against Essential Mental Normativity Again.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (2):333-346.
    In a recent paper (2008), I presented two arguments against the thesis that intentional states are essentially normative. In this paper, I defend those arguments from two recent responses, one from Nick Zangwill in his (2010), and one from Daniel Laurier in the present volume, and offer improvements of my arguments in light of Laurier’s criticism.
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  31. Licensing or.Regine Eckardt - 2007 - In Uli Sauerland & Penka Stateva (eds.), Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 34--70.
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  32. Luck as an epistemic notion.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2010 - Synthese 176 (3):361-377.
    Many philosophers have argued that an event is lucky for an agent only if it was suitably improbable, but there is considerable disagreement about how to understand this improbability condition. This paper argues for a hitherto overlooked construal of the improbability condition in terms of the lucky agent’s epistemic situation. According to the proposed account, an event is lucky for an agent only if the agent was not in a position to know that the event would occur. It is also (...)
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  33. The Truth Norm and Guidance: a Reply to Glüer and Wikforss: Discussions.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2010 - Mind 119 (475):749-755.
    Kathrin Glüer and Åsa Wikforss argue that any truth norm for belief, linking the correctness of believing p with the truth of p, is bound to be uninformative, since applying the norm to determine the correctness of a belief as to whether p, would itself require forming such a belief. I argue that this conflates the condition under which the norm deems beliefs correct, with the psychological state an agent must be in to apply the norm. I also show that (...)
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  34. Instrumental reasons for belief: elliptical talk and elusive properties.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Mattias Skipper - 2020 - In Sebastian Schmidt & Gerhard Ernst (eds.), The Ethics of Belief and Beyond: Understanding Mental Normativity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 109-125.
    Epistemic instrumentalists think that epistemic normativity is just a special kind of instrumental normativity. According to them, you have epistemic reason to believe a proposition insofar as doing so is conducive to certain epistemic goals or aims—say, to believe what is true and avoid believing what is false. Perhaps the most prominent challenge for instrumentalists in recent years has been to explain, or explain away, why one’s epistemic reasons often do not seem to depend on one’s aims. This challenge can (...)
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  35. Does doxastic transparency support evidentialism?Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (4):541-547.
    Nishi Shah has recently argued that transparency in doxastic deliberation supports a strict version of evidentialism about epistemic reasons. I argue that Shah's argument relies on a principle that is incompatible with the strict version of evidentialism Shah wishes to advocate.
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    The impact of alphabetic literacy on the perception of speech sounds.Régine Kolinsky, Ana Luiza Navas, Fraulein Vidigal de Paula, Nathalia Ribeiro de Brito, Larissa de Medeiros Botecchia, Sophie Bouton & Willy Serniclaes - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104687.
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    Psychology and psychical research in France around the end of the 19th century.Régine Plas - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):91-107.
    During the last third of the 19th century, the ‘new’ French psychology developed within ‘the hypnotic context’ opened up by Charcot. In spite of their claims to the scientific nature of their hypnotic experiments, Charcot and his followers were unable to avoid the miracles that had accompanied mesmerism, the forerunner of hypnosis. The hysterics hypnotized in the Salpêtrière Hospital were expected to have supernormal faculties and these experiments opened the door to psychical research. In 1885 the first French psychology society (...)
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  38. Body Checking in Anorexia Nervosa: from Inquiry to Habit.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Somogy Varga - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3):705-722.
    Body checking, characterized by the repeated visual or physical inspection of particular parts of one’s own body (e.g. thighs, waist, or upper arms) is one of the most prominent behaviors associated with eating disorders, particularly Anorexia Nervosa (AN). In this paper, we explore the explanatory potential of the Recalcitrant Fear Model of AN (RFM) in relation to body checking. We argue that RFM, when combined with certain plausible auxiliary hypotheses about the cognitive and epistemic roles of emotions, is able to (...)
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  39. Voluntarism and Transparent Deliberation.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2006 - South African Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):171-176.
    It is widely assumed that doxastic deliberation is transparent to the factual question of the truth of the proposition being considered for belief, and that this sets doxastic deliberation apart from practical deliberation. This feature is frequently invoked in arguments against doxastic voluntarism. I argue that transparency to factual questions occurs in practical deliberation in ways parallel to transparency in doxastic deliberation. I argue that this should make us reconsider the appeal to transparency in arguments against doxastic voluntarism, and the (...)
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    Datavisions – On Panoptica, Oligoptica, and (Big) Data.Regine Buschauer - 2016 - International Review of Information Ethics 24.
    In focusing on relations between data and vision and proposing to address big data in terms of currently dominant optical metaphors, the paper makes a case for an approach that allows for clearer distinctions between big data as ‘visions’, and data technologies. assessing notions and visions of panoptic data technologies, I outline three perspectives on the nexus between data and vision. Following Bruno Latour’s counter-image of “oligoptica”, I argue, more generally, in favour of a conceptual framework that understands big data (...)
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    Échanges entre adultes et enfants et entre enfants: figures d’une activité responsive.Régine Delamotte - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (1):114-130.
    ABSTRACT The first part of this article relies on a number of well-known notions drawn directly from Bakhtin's work, while bringing to bear others inspired by the Bakhtinian perspective. The second part proposes a study dealing with the diverse kinds of verbal interactions rooted in Bakhtin's notion of responsive act. These include interdiscursivity, interlocution, and intralocution, elaborated by Jacques Brès among others, as well as moves and shifts, which we owe to Frédéric François. In the third part, this body of (...)
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    La spécularité diffractée: Mise en abyme et début de film.Régine-Mihal Friedman - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (1-2):51-66.
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    Die Wiederentdeckung der Natur: Naturphilosophie im Zeichen der ökologischen Krise.Regine Kather - 2012 - Darmstadt: WBG.
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    Antiautoritäre Erziehung.Regine Masthoff - 1981 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Hvad er filosofihistorie?: mindeskrift for Johs. Østergaard Petersen.Johs Øtergaard Petersen, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Hans Fink, Henning Høh Laursen & Flemming Lebech - 1999
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    What Will Latin America Look Like in The Twenty-First Century?Doug Petersen - 1996 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 13 (4):6-6.
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    Spielformen des Selbst: das Spiel zwischen Subjektivität, Kunst und Alltagspraxis.Regine Strätling (ed.) - 2012 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Long description: Das Spiel konstituiert ein”Dazwischen“, einen Raum des Als-ob, welcher der sozialen Welt sowohl angehört als auch von ihr abgehoben ist. Diese”ontologische Ambivalenz“macht den Begriff des Spiels für viele zu einem idealen Vermittler im Nachdenken über die Beziehung von Subjektivität, Kunst und Alltagspraxis. Ist der Begriff des Spiels auch nach den Diskussionen um den Status des Subjekts im Zeichen der Postmoderne geeignet, die ästhetischen und alltagspraktischen Formen zu fassen, in denen sich Selbstverhältnisse konstituieren? Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen dieser (...)
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    Exil et nostalgie, un lien consubstantiel.Régine Waintrater - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 205 (3):65-72.
    La nostalgie est cet état psychique qui se tient quelque part entre le deuil, la dépression et la mélancolie, avec lesquels on la confond souvent. Définie très tôt comme la maladie de l’exilé, la nostalgie est un pharmakon, à la fois baume et poison pour celui qui s’y adonne. À partir des écrits de Jean Améry, survivant de la Shoah, et de sa propre expérience auprès des survivants du génocide rwandais, l’auteur, psychanalyste, distingue ici deux positions face à la nostalgie (...)
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  49. Instrumentalism, Moral Encroachment, and Epistemic Injustice.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - forthcoming - Philosophical Topics.
    According to the thesis of pragmatic encroachment, practical circumstances can affect whether someone is in a position to know or rationally believe a proposition. For example, whether it is epistemically rational for a person to believe that the bank will be open on Saturdays, can depend not only on the strength of the person’s evidence, but also on how practically important it is for the person not to be wrong about the bank being open on Saturdays. In recent years, philosophers (...)
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  50. New Legal Moralism: Some Strengths and Challenges.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2010 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 4 (2):215-232.
    The aim of this paper is to critically discuss the plausibility of legal moralism with an emphasis on some central and recent versions. First, this paper puts forward and defends the thesis that recently developed varieties of legal moralism promoted by Robert P. George, John Kekes and Michael Moore are more plausible than Lord Devlin's traditional account. The main argument for this thesis is that in its more modern versions legal moralism is immune to some of the forceful challenges made (...)
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